Cowichan Valley

girl holding handful of blueberries on a farm

Must-Visit Farms on Vancouver Island

If you’re a DIYer at heart, the kind of person that likes to get in there and get your hands dirty, an afternoon, wandering around a beautiful farm and picking your own produce is going to be right up your alley! Find out what’s in season here and call or check the farm’s website to make sure they have what you’re looking for before you go and don’t forget to bring your own containers! 

two bottles of wine on top of a barrel in front of grapevines at a vineyard

Wine Not? Cowichan Valley Wine Tours

This incredible valley is not only a wine destination but also one of the epicenters on Vancouver Island for forward-thinking, farm-to-table cuisine. During the summer, the Cowichan Valley’s vineyards are in full swing and what better way to really get a ‘taste’ of this beautiful Valley than visiting one of the many beautiful wineries that dot the landscape of Cowichan and produce some award-winning wines?

in-house made ice cream in a ice cream shop

Get the Scoop on the Best Ice Cream on Vancouver Island!

The outdoor activities are myriad, whether it’s cycling, hiking, exploring new places on the island, revisiting old favourite haunts, shopping at the outdoor markets or just enjoying a seaside stroll, when the time comes to cool off, there is one tried, tested and true way to beat the summer heat: ice cream!